Latest Episodes

Crappie fishing guide John Harrison & Mark Ridl with Cornfield Fishing Gear about the upcoming Demo Days
In episode 215 of the Fishing Guide Podcast host Brad Wiegmann interviews John Harrison crappie fishing guide and Mark Ridl owner of Cornfield Fishing...

Slabbin Mike’s Crappie Fishing Guide Service reveals his secrets to catching more and bigger crappie
In episode 214 of the Fishing Guide Podcast host Brad Wiegmann interviews Mike Meeks Oklahoma crappie fishing guide and owner of Slabbin Mike’s Crappie...

Jon Stein Regional Fisheries Biologist with AGFC reveals the spawning behavoirs, location and patterns associated with gamefish
In episode 213 of the Fishing Guide Podcast host Brad Wiegmann interviews Jon Stein, Arkansas Game & Fish Commission Region Fisheries Supervisor, on spawning...

Richard Parker with Bass Tactix and points leaders Cole Fountain & Jaxon Belding with coach Fountain
In episode 212 of the Fishing Guide Podcast host Brad Wiegmann interviews Richard Parker with Bass Tactix and points leaders Kole Fountain & Jaxon...

KGB Swimbaits owner Kevin Brightwell reveals the history behind and making of KGB Swimbaits company
In episode 211 of the Fishing Guide Podcast host Brad Wiegmann interviews KGB Swimbaits owner Kevin Brightwell. Brightwell reveals the history behind how Brightwell...

Pros Jo Jo Baker & Phillip Wilson the 3rd place team at the National Crappie League Championship
In episode 210 of the Fishing Guide Podcast host Brad Wiegmann interviews crappie pros Jo Jo Baker and Phillip Wilson the 3rd place team...